Biozek D rapid test
How to take a vitamin D test? The Biozek D rapid test can be used to check for Vitamin D deficiency in a simple way! A quick vitamin D test is done from fingertip blood...
On February 29, 2020, Buta Palace hosted the presentation of the National Business Award "Azeri Business Award" by Business Time magazine on the results of 2019 in the field of business.
The event was attended by over 300 people, including ambassadors from 12 countries, representatives of various government agencies, leading companies, senior managers, representatives from various sectors of the economy, foreign guests and the media.
The event was also attended by a delegation led by the Mayor of Batumi, Georgia, Lasha Komakhidze.
Laureates are representatives of various sectors of the economy - production of construction materials, medicine, banking, agriculture and others.
For the success of our company, "Zeytun Pharmaceuticals" LLC has been awarded the "Azeri Business Award" National Award - "Pharmacy Network of the Year" Award for 2019.