Hello. What is the duration of the pharmaceutical course and will I be able to work in a drugstore after the course?

Our pharmaceutical courses last 6 months. Held for 1.5 hours 2 times a week. At the end of the course everyone is given a certificate. Tests are held on a regular basis and those who successfully pass the test are provided with jobs.

Hello. How can we get the right medicine if it's not available in the drugstore?

In the drugstore where you went to, you can order the desired drug from the pharmacist and get it during the day. 

Hello. How do I access my account?

Access to the Personal account is valid only for pharmacists. Pharmacists can access by entering a mail address and password.

Hello, how can I send my resume to Zeytun Pharma?

In the Vacancies section, entering the corresponding vacancy, you can fill in and send a resume format. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible.